Thank You To Our 2023 Futurity Competitors
~Champion Dylan Steeley riding Cowboys Rey A968 earning $10,000
~Res. Champion Russell Powell riding Cowboys Boon A803 Earning $6,500

A Bar Ranch Futurity
This class will be judged on conformation and the resemblance to the ideal ranch/performance horse.

This class will be shown based on the horses’ ability and level of training. There will be a set time limit. Time limit will be based on the amount of obstacles and the basic gaits that need to be shown. High score will win. In all gaits, movement of the ranch riding horse should simulate a horse needing to cover long distances softly and quietly, like that of a working ranch horse.
The following terminology shall apply:
WALK - The walk is a natural, flat footed, four beat gait. The gait is rhythmic and ground covering. As in all gaits, the horse should display a level or slightly above level topline with a bright, attentive expression.
TROT - The trot is a natural two beat gait demonstrating more forward motion than the western pleasure jog.
EXTENDED TROT - The extended trot is an obvious lengthening of the stride with a definite increase in pace. The horse should be moving in a manner as if it were covering a large area on a ranch with an eye appealing topline.
LOPE - The lope is a three beat gait. The lope should be relaxed and smooth appearing with a natural, forward moving stride.
EXTENDED LOPE - The extended lope is not a run or racing but should be an obvious lengthening of the lope. With a forward and working speed.
The obstacle portion will demonstrate the contestants/horses ability to navigate the trail course.
The Cowhorse class will begin with a reining pattern. Complete the reining pattern following these guidelines:
ROLL BACK - you need to roll back at least once each direction
CIRCLES - at least four, two large and fast, two small and slow showing speed control
LEAD CHANGES - at least two, one each direction
STOPS - you must complete at least two
BACKING - stop and back at least 15 ft.
SPINS - at least two each direction
Cow work portion will consist of calling for a cow and boxing at the end of the arena showing control and then taking the cow down the fence with one turn in each direction past center marker. NRCHA rules and scoring will apply during cow work.
AFTER completion of turns, one each way with the first turn being past center marker, exhibitor will be required to rope the cow. Exhibitor may circle their cow after turns
BUT extra credit will be given for roping your cow instead of circling.
ALL horses should be working on a normal working length of rein to where the horse is under control and with the appearance of no resistance.
ALL equipment, for instance saddles, bridles, rope, etc., should be in great working condition. If equipment seems faulty, the horse and individual may be disqualified by judge/judges.
Contestants may also be disqualified by a judge if he/she seems to be in danger in any way, shape, or form during any of the show.

Arena will be split at 1/3rd length with opening in the enter of the split. In the shorter end of arena the herd work will take place. NRCHA rules for herd work apply. However, last cow worked will then be driven by contestant through opening. Once driven through opening, contestant will rope with a two-loop limit.
Rules and additions to any or all of the Cowhorse Classic can be changed or amended at any time without notice by management.
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If we can assist you with learning more about our livestock
or operation please contact A- Ranch.

Contact Us
Martha Armitage
Merrit & Michelle Armitage
Turner & Sarah Armitage
PO Box 1396
Claremore, OK 74018
Ranch: 918-342-2225
Merrit: 918-607-6808
Turner: 918-697-6717
Martha: martha@abarranch.com
Merrit: merrit@abarranch.com
Turner: turner@abarranch.com